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Application of visual creative cards in various HR functions

Application of SymboliCards in different HR functions - 460x768 pixel - 90570 byte
CoachCard/SymboliCard creates space for a new perspective, coaching culture within the company through applying the creative cards in various functions.


Experiential learning with SymboliCards

SymboliCard Solution Focused technique model - 960x768 pixel - 134043 byte

During workshops of SymboliCards we have been working with coaches by letting them experience the power of the visual development cards.
The question has been raised: „What have you noticed at first on the card?"


Press release -Exceptional new product established by the Hungarian twin duo

SymboliCard pack of 96 coach cards - 192x128 pixel - 16041 byte

Visual coach cards place the development process to a whole new level


Setting objectives with the support of SMART at a retail multinational company

SymboliCard SMART goal setting model - 960x768 pixel - 121986 byte

The main goal is that the annual objectives set for all shall be specific and measurable. 


Using methods of SymboliCard No 1. - Working with symbols

SymboliCard CIA controll circles - 960x768 pixel - 123622 byte

What the card in your hand tells to you?


Why conflict handling is one of the most popular topic in coaching?

SymboliCard Conflict handling model - 960x768 pixel - 125702 byte
In the last two years in almost every coaching cooperation​ the topic of​ managing conflicts came up ​sooner or later.
What is the reason for this?


Page URL

The current page primary URL: https://symbolicard.com/News-events-85/
The current page additional URL: https://symbolicard.com/doc85/