
Our services:

Personal branding - custom labelled development cards

Personal branding - custom labelled development cards - 1024x649 pixel - 111512 byte

Upon request, the cards can be labelled with the name of the coach or trainer and even their title to strengthen the relationship between the development expert and the client. Instead of using a business card, it can serve as a marketing tool.


Detailed instructions, user manual

Sample for SymbolyCard description - 911x646 pixel - 143301 byte

Each card comes with a detailed description that supports the development experts in understanding and using the models in a unified and integrated manner. The client and the expert can freely interpret the symbols; it is up to them how they define the illustrations based on their targeted topic.


Consultation on how to use the development cards

Consultation on how to use the development cards - 512x768 pixel - 106557 byte

Upon request, our colleagues are happy to help the customers with either a personal or telephone consultation, responding all their questions.


Ordering unique development cards

Ordering unique development cards - 1024x512 pixel - 104934 byte

In case you have your personal favourite development models you have been using successfully for a long time, we can help you design your own cards and get them ready to use. Please contact our customer service explaining your ideas and we can make it happen.



Corporate cards for unique needs

Corporate cards for unique needs - 267x189 pixel - 18436 byte

In line with the conception and outlook of the current cards we offer the service of producing custom made corporate cards upon your request. The symbols of the cards can represent the corporate culture and the values of the company. They can support internal processes such as performance evaluation and management as well as trainings keeping the initiatives sustainable and alive.


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