Self-knowledge cards

Self knowledge cards

(Total: 6 pieces)

Self knowledge cards contribute to deeper consciousness towards both ourselves and learn more from others' perspective. You can always expand the consciuos part of your awareness by focusing on yourself internally through regular self-reflection and also asking feedback from others how they see you.

Impulse control- Traffic lights

SymboliCard Impulse control - 960x768 pixel - 127835 byte

The model provides support in 6 steps in being conscious in ourselves when sudden impulses appear, in order to handle with them and avoid the situations repenting what has been told or done, thus the relations are not destroyed.

Emotional Intelligence

 SymboliCard Emotional Intelligence model - 960x768 pixel - 134368 byte

Our feelings influence us how we react, make decisions or predictions, thus make an impact on whatever we are doing. The emotionally intelligent people are guiding the feelings with their thoughts, instead of letting the feelings dominate on their actions.

Johari window

SymboliCard Johari window model - 960x768 pixel - 124857 byte

Johari Window's visual model is widely used for developing self-knowledge. It has been invented by 2 psychologists: Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. The model shows 2 main dimensions for understanding ourselves, the aspects of behaviour and style known by the self and known by others.


SymboliCard DISC personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 113209 byte

The DISC model is based on the personality types of Jung, defines 4 basic pattern types. The behaviour is practically a strategy what the individual selects (not always mindful) to reach his goals and representing himself.

Situational leadership

SymboliCard Situational leadership model - 960x768 pixel - 141380 byte

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard management and organizational behaviour professor, sociologist and psychologist, consultant created the model.

It is one of the most widely used model during individual and group development.


SymboliCard MBTI personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 139224 byte

The model is suitable for assessing the client's preferred thinking, decision-making and problem-solving style, identifying the strengths and potential risks to achieve the goals.


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