Experiential learning with SymboliCards

SymboliCard Solution Focused technique model - 960x768 pixel - 134043 byte

During workshops of SymboliCards we have been working with coaches by letting them experience the power of the visual development cards.
Usually the given visual card appears in large size on the beamer's screen,-in the given case we used the solution focused model,- while all participants get the cards into their hands and for few minutes there is silence.

During those moments participants practice mindfulness, holding the card in their hands, wondering and immersing into the SymboliCards. In fact what is in their mind during those minutes?

Each of them has different thoughts.

Then the question is raised to the participants: „What have you noticed at first on the card?"

70% of the cases the text is what they notice at first, and only after that they start scanning the picture, then they notice even smaller details as well in terms of forms and colours. Therefore it is the left hemisphere of the brain which switches on in the first place automatically, then the playfulness of the right one gets active. It can be observed that the right hemisphere is more overhelming, more time is spent by observing the pictures and interpretations.

So far the following observations are shared the most frequently:

1st Participant: „I see that it is not too easy to get on the top of the mountain, from the left side it is too rocky to climb over. It seems I could more easily reach the summit from the other side, which is less  steep".

2nd Participant: „Yes, there is even a pathway leading to the summit to reach my goal."

3rd Participant: „Strangely I have not even noticed the background, all the time I saw only the 3 playfully drawn people. I have tried to decode what they symbolize. The one thinking seriously must be focused on how to reach his goal, I guess because of the words turning up. The other one in the middle is doing excercises to get stronger. The third one puts his backpack full of all sorts of tools, resources."

4th Participant: „I was wondering if those people all constitute the same person, just because as for appearance they all look alike. From my understanding, that person gets prepared to climb the mountain, and collect all internal and external resources to reach his goal. "

5th Participant: „The man in the middle reminds me how difficult is doing trainings for losing weights or getting in better shape, I myself must look the same while making all these efforts." -says smiling.

It was good to listen to all views. What was your first interpretation?

What is about you from all your thoughts coming up during holding the card?

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