
The list of cards dedicated to coaches is a visual tool with the basic coaching models that can be used at the different steps of the coaching process. Explaining the principals with the illustrations and the symbols will get the client tuned to the model and adapt them to their own situation.

Based on research, the visual appearance, the harmony of colours and graphics enhance comprehension, recognition and can further increase the active participation in the development process.

As the client assesses and defines their own situation, the space for the notes on the card can connect the models with their individual thoughts making it more personal. When the client keeps the card on their desk or at home, it can be an efficient reminder of the message delivered at the coaching session. They can evoke the thoughts and feelings and reconsider their status compared to their goals. With the positive illustrations, the shape and the quality of the cards, the process of change is turned into a pleasant and exhilarating experience.


(Total: 18 pieces)

Urgent-important matrix

SymboliCard Urgent-Important priorization/ time management model - 960x768 pixel - 127780 byte

The matrix of - urgent-important - which is often called also as Eisenhower matrix- defines the priorities of the tasks on the base of importance and urgency.

 The idea to measure the 2 competeting taskgroups in 1 matrix was coming from the former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Dr. Stephen Covey: "I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent." This "Eisenhower Principle" is said to be how he organized his workload and priorities.

No matter how effective we are, sooner or later the number of tasks is surpassing the available time frame.

He recognized that great time management means being effective as well as efficient. In other words, we must spend our time on things that are important and not just the ones that are urgent.


Impulse control- Traffic lights

SymboliCard Impulse control - 960x768 pixel - 127835 byte

The model provides support in 6 steps in being conscious in ourselves when sudden impulses appear, in order to handle with them and avoid the situations repenting what has been told or done, thus the relations are not destroyed.

Conflict handling strategy

SymboliCard Conflict handling model - 960x768 pixel - 125702 byte

The purpose of the model is to raise awareness of individual behaviours in conflcting situations. Conflict arises in such situations where two parties' aims seem to be incompatible.

Traffic light

SymboliCard Traffic lights action planning model - 960x768 pixel - 116292 byte
This modell assists the client to pinpoint what should he continue, optimize and change -based on others' feedbacks and own self-knowledge- in his life in order to get closer to achieving his goals.

Solution Focused Therapy model

SymboliCard Solution Focused technique model - 960x768 pixel - 134043 byte

This esentially solution oriented model concentrates on the desired goal. How the client - guided by the development expert - should be able to visualize his objective; also how he should accouter by all the tools and components that will support them in reaching their target.

CIA model (control, influence, adapt circles)

SymboliCard CIA controll circles - 960x768 pixel - 123622 byte

With the help of the model the factors which can neither be changed or influenced by us can be identified. It is more sensible to focus on the aspects we can influence, where we have a chance to directly impact the situation.

Emotional Intelligence

 SymboliCard Emotional Intelligence model - 960x768 pixel - 134368 byte

Our feelings influence us how we react, make decisions or predictions, thus make an impact on whatever we are doing. The emotionally intelligent people are guiding the feelings with their thoughts, instead of letting the feelings dominate on their actions.

Johari window

SymboliCard Johari window model - 960x768 pixel - 124857 byte

Johari Window's visual model is widely used for developing self-knowledge. It has been invented by 2 psychologists: Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. The model shows 2 main dimensions for understanding ourselves, the aspects of behaviour and style known by the self and known by others.

Internal beliefs

SymboliCard Internal Beliefs  - 960x768 pixel - 133586 byte

When the client defines precisely the achievable goal, he should get conscious about the automatic thoughts which prevents him from changing. After that the automatic thoughts shall be converted into positive enabling thoughts.


SymboliCard Scale card - 960x768 pixel - 107369 byte

To grasp a subjective measurement, we are using a Scale. The coach card can be easily used throughout the coaching session to express improvement and progress, and also to define trust and belief.



SymboliCard DISC personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 113209 byte

The DISC model is based on the personality types of Jung, defines 4 basic pattern types. The behaviour is practically a strategy what the individual selects (not always mindful) to reach his goals and representing himself.

GROW model

SymboliCard GROW model - 960x768 pixel - 110588 byte

The GROW model is one of the most popular and widely used tool in the personal/business development sector.
This model mainly focuses on problem solving and achieving the desired target, concentrating on the process of finding a solution.

Situational leadership

SymboliCard Situational leadership model - 960x768 pixel - 141380 byte

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard management and organizational behaviour professor, sociologist and psychologist, consultant created the model.

It is one of the most widely used model during individual and group development.

Six Thinking hats

SymboliCard Six thinking hats creative problem solving model - 960x768 pixel - 119488 byte

The parallel thinking is a simple model for a constructive thinking, the aim that everybody is focusing on a given topic with the same direction, but the direction is changing.
The hats are perfectly symbolizing the 6 activities of  the human brain.


SymboliCard MBTI personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 139224 byte

The model is suitable for assessing the client's preferred thinking, decision-making and problem-solving style, identifying the strengths and potential risks to achieve the goals.


The Miracle Question

SymboliCard Miracle question - 960x768 pixel - 113312 byte

This model is one of the tools of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy, which concentrates on the desired outcome, how the client, guided by the coach, can visualize the chosen target and also the required attitude and behavior to achieve that.


SymboliCard SWOT model - 960x768 pixel - 118523 byte

After setting the objective, the model supports the client to prepar a status analysis evaluating their internal resources, what can they expect from their surroundings, the supportive and withholding factors of reaching the desired goal.


SymboliCard SMART goal setting model - 960x768 pixel - 121986 byte

The acronym - SMART - helps determining the target. The smart objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

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