The Miracle Question

SymboliCard Miracle question - 960x768 pixel - 113312 byte

Using the card during the coaching session

We are at the stage of the improvement process where the goal is already set and the client is assessing their present status, how they behave or react in certain situations. Using the Miracle Question, the client can visualize how they will act differently upon reaching their objective. Also they can define, how others will notice the change.


The model:

This model is one of the tools of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). It concentrates on the desired outcome, how the client, guided by the coach, can visualize the chosen target and also the required attitude and behavior to achieve that.

The coach introduces the Miracle Question that one night, while the client was asleep, a miracle happened and they wake up to an ideal world. We explore the fantasy together, going through the whole day where the client has to describe, what are the telling signs that show the miracle. By changing perspective, the client can see through their acquaintance's glasses, how the desired behavior might look like.

Source: Steve de Shazer


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