Webshop information, quantity discounts

The products can be ordered through the webshop. You are free to order online any time of the 24 hours per day.

If you have Facebook  access, then it is not necessary to register, because you can sign in the webshop with Facebook access. Obviously shopping is possible through normal sign in, without Facebook.  About further information regarding webshop registration you can read here.

Key information about the development cards:

  • The smallest quantity to be purchased from one type of development card is 8 pieces. This is what we call a pack. (1 pack = 8 cards). You can order from one type of card only the multiple number of 8 pieces based on your choice, eg. you can order 8, 16, 24, 32 pieces and further on.

Quantity discounts:

  • You can see in the webshop small pack of cards (1 pack = cards) and packages which differ from starter and advanced ones based on the number of cards contained.
  • Quantity discount is given on the total number of cards.
  • Currently prices of cards depend on the number of total ordered amount of cards and shipment costs which varies country by counrty, urgency of delivery, etc., so for this reason, please, contact us for individual offer. Within 2 working days we are going to provide you with an offer.

The ordering process:

Odering process of SymboliCard
Further information is available here.

Page URL

The current page primary URL: https://symbolicard.com/Webshop-information-quantity-discounts-72/
The current page additional URL: https://symbolicard.com/doc72/