Action planning cards

Action planning cards:

Action planning

(Total: 2 pieces)

An action plan is a detailed plan outlining actions needed to reach one or more goals. To find the most suitable plans we need to analyse the current situation, collect ideas for possible solutions and choose the best alternative to be formulated to a concrete next step. To make the plan concrete you need to define when and what you are going to do, what result you expect from that, which contributes to achieve your desired goal.

Traffic light

SymboliCard Traffic lights action planning model - 960x768 pixel - 116292 byte
This modell assists the client to pinpoint what should he continue, optimize and change -based on others' feedbacks and own self-knowledge- in his life in order to get closer to achieving his goals.


SymboliCard SMART goal setting model - 960x768 pixel - 121986 byte

The acronym - SMART - helps determining the target. The smart objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

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