Seeking for distributor

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Seeking for distributor for selling visual development cards of SymboliCard, European brand of the local CoachCard primarily in Europe and USA.


SymboliCard is a unique collection of development cards based on the most popular and widely used coaching models. It is an innovative approach adapting graphic illustrations that provide an exclusive customer experience throughout the whole coaching process while supporting enhanced learning and a deeper understanding

Basic criteria of the right distributor:

- 5+ sound background in the development sector, having strong training or coaching qualification and trackable experience with references,
- deep overview of the trends and preferences of the local development sector,
- with wide network of trainers, coaches, middle and large size companies
- fluent English in order to ensure clear, smooth communication and cooperation,
-open mindset, collaboration skills, sales attitude and resilience,

What we offer:

-openness and curiosity to learn about the ideas of proper penetration strategy to the local market,
- support with providing an own website and marketing materials to be adapted to local specificities,
- continuous consultation, best practice sharing during the process of either the implementation or operation of the SymboliCard's image
- transparent contract and clear conditions

Page URL

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