Defining development topic

Defining development topic

(Total: 3 pieces)

It is crucial that the development has a clear topic to work on, which shall be important for the person who is in the learning process, actual to make some steps and should support a personal goal to be achieved. Within a topic it is also worth to look the problem from different perspectives and check if there is any control over the situation to change it.

CIA model (control, influence, adapt circles)

SymboliCard CIA controll circles - 960x768 pixel - 123622 byte

With the help of the model the factors which can neither be changed or influenced by us can be identified. It is more sensible to focus on the aspects we can influence, where we have a chance to directly impact the situation.

Six Thinking hats

SymboliCard Six thinking hats creative problem solving model - 960x768 pixel - 119488 byte

The parallel thinking is a simple model for a constructive thinking, the aim that everybody is focusing on a given topic with the same direction, but the direction is changing.
The hats are perfectly symbolizing the 6 activities of  the human brain.


SymboliCard SWOT model - 960x768 pixel - 118523 byte

After setting the objective, the model supports the client to prepar a status analysis evaluating their internal resources, what can they expect from their surroundings, the supportive and withholding factors of reaching the desired goal.

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